Erotic stories of Chloe S.

Profile page of Chloe S.. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Chloe S. wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 8.3K times

I fucked my boyfriend’s friend….pt 1??Alright so first of all, I know what you are thinking. And believe me, I feel terrible about it. But my boyfriend s oesn’t treat me exactly well either. Ethan had a girl on the side in the beginning of our relationship, her name was Chelsea. As far as know, that’s over with but he still acts very weird and he never ever wants to have sex. Like ever. I think he’s just not in love anymore and to be honest I don’t think I am either. I think we both know we aren’t going to work out but neither of us...reading time 9 mingenre
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